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Showing posts from April, 2021

Pictures of Tree Plantation Programme on Earth Day


N.S.D. Educational Welfare Trust organized a Tree Plantation Program on Earth Day

  Tree Plantation Program on Earth Day Date : 22 nd  April, 2021 (Thursday) Occasion : Earth Day Time : 6:30am – 8am Organised by : N.S.D. Educational Welfare Trust Participants : Sudipta Das, Sunirmal Singha, Sahidul Islam, Biswajit Halder Venue : Ashram Para Ground Proceedings : The crisis of the pandemic situation of Covid 19 along with additional burdens of human mishandling natural resources calls for a plan of action to restore the planet earth. This year the Earth Day was celebrated by  N.S.D. Educational Welfare Trust keeping  in mind   the mission of  environmental protection and conservation. Thus, the team planned to plant tree sapling in the neighbourhood and nourish them throughout the years to make the locality green and to focus on restoring global ecosystem at a larger level. The tree plantation program started at 6:30 am in the morning when the team members joined together with the aim of planning 12 saplings in the locality. A deep and wide pit was dig in the ground f

Tree Plantation Programme on 22nd April, 2021 for the occasion of Earth Day

  A tree planting ceremony has been organized for # EarthDay2021 on Thursday, 22nd_April, 2021. So let's save the world by planting trees. Place: Aurangabad, Murshidabad, West Bengal Time: 6:30 am

Photos of 'Wear a Mask Campaign' on 19.04.2021 (Monday)


‘Wear a Mask’ Campaign for the COVID-19 to Aware the Common People

  ‘Wear a Mask’ Campaign Date : 19.04.2021 (Monday) Time : 1pm – 3pm Organised by : N.S.D Educational Welfare Trust Participants : Sahin Sahari, Sudipta Das, Sunirmal Singha, Abdul Ganiun, Rik Saha Venue : DNC College Road Proceedings : With the onset of the second wave of Covid 19, India’s situation seems to get worse with lesser awareness of the mass to follow the safety protocols. In order to raise awareness and educate the people of Aurangabad City, Murshidabad on the importance of wearing a mask, N.S.D Educational Welfare Trust organized ‘Wear a Mask’ Campaign on 19 th  April, 2021 at DNC College Road. Volunteers and members of the trust set up a temporary mask distribution booth for the day. Audio clips for mask awareness were played through sound systems to make the people understand the utility of wearing a mask. The team started to locate pedestrians without a mask and spoke to them why they did not wear a mask. Then the team sanitized their hands and handed them a disposable

"Wear a Mask Campaign" organized by NSD Educational Welfare Trust

  NSD Educational Welfare Trust going to launched an awareness campaign with the aim of ensuring that all the residents wear the face mask properly. As part of ‘#Wear_a_Mask’ launched by NSD Educational Welfare Trust, others members & volunteers of the Trust are going to distributing face masks to those who are found without one.  Date: 19.04.2021 (Monday) Time : 1:00 PM Place: DNC College Road